Gila County, AZ Arrest Records and Warrants

Arizona Arrest Records and Warrant Search

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Discovering an arrest warrant in your name can feel scary. But knowing about it ahead of time might be the best thing for you. By finding out, you can hire a lawyer and start planning your defense even before you surrender. **Start looking for arrest warrants in Gila County** by doing an online search for court cases.

The Arizona Judicial Branch’s case information system provides online access to case information for civil and criminal cases filed in Gila County. Searching for court records is your first step for finding outstanding warrants in your name in Gila County. If you find an open criminal case, you can contact the Gila County Clerk of Court to get copies of court records or obtain more information. There are two locations in Gila County for court records: Globe Courthouse, located at 1400 E. Ash Street in Globe, AZ 85501, and Payson Courthouse, located at 714 S. Beeline Hwy. in Payson, AZ 85541. There will be a fee for copies, and the Clerk’s Office will not give out information by telephone.

The Gila County Sheriff’s Office is charged with the execution of active warrants issued within the county. Therefore, the Sheriff’s Office is another source for warrant searches in Gila County. To request copies of arrest records or to check for active arrest warrants, contact the Administrative Services Division of the Sheriff’s Office at 1177 East Monroe Street in Globe, AZ 85501. The Sheriff’s Office can also assist the public with criminal background checks.


Is it possible to get information on Gila County arrest warrants and recent arrests over the phone? (2021-Update)   

  • To file a non-emergency complaint, contact the dispatch phone number at (982) 402-4373.
  • To get a warrant search done, call the Justice Court at 1-866-846-8296.
  • To find out about recent arrests, dial (982) 468-2835.
  • To learn the procedure for a local criminal background check, call the Records Division at (982) 402-1883.
  • To request information on outstanding warrants and arrests from Globe PD, call the agency at (928) 425-5751 Ext: 2
  • To contact Victim/Witness Services, call the Victim’s Advocate at (928) 402-8836.
  • To get a certified statement of a criminal conviction, call the Clerk of Circuit Court at (928) 402-8866.


Gila County, AZ crime data

In 2019, 560 criminal complaints were filed in Gila County. About 390 of them were for property crimes like larceny-theft (252), burglary (65), and car thefts (67). There were 167 cases of serious assault and 3 cases of rape among the 176 complaints filed in the category of violent crimes.

There was an average of one crime every seven hours in Gila County between 1999 through 2008. Throughout this 10-year period, there were about 12,000 crimes reported in Gila County. By far, the majority of crimes were related to theft or burglary. Overall, crime rates increased in Gila County by approximately 50%, while violent crimes increased by over 80% for the same period.

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